SL7N-63 DC Sigorta

* Kısa devre koruması, aşırı yük koruması

* 6ka’ya kadar yüksek kesme kapasitesi

* Pozitif ve negatif kutup yok, tersine çevrilebilir, bağlanması kolaydır

* Anma çalışma akımı 63A

* Açılış mesafesi> 9mm, arkı hızla keser

* 7 perçin kablo güvenilirliğini sağlar

* Bara tasarımı, güvenilir ve rahat kablolama

* Benzersiz şekil tasarımı

* Komple aksesuarlı DC ürünler, fotovoltaik ve enerji depolama sistemler,


Rated insulation voltage (Ui) 1250V
Rated service voltage (Ue) DC(1P):15V,60V,100V,180V,250V; DC(2P):125V,375V,550V,600V,800V
DC(3P):750V,800V; DC(4P):800V,1000V 1200V
Rated current of current shell frame 63A
Different currents In the same current shell frame 6A、10A、 16A、 20A、 25A、32A、 40A、 50A、 63A
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics=Icu lcs=Icu=6kA(2P800V/4P1200V Ics=Icu=2KA)
Mechanical life 8500 Times
Electrical life 1500 Times (< DC125V/1P, < DC250V/2P)
1000 times (other voltage specifications)
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 6kV
Trip characteristics I trip type B/C
Overvoltage category
Class of pollution 3
Ingress protection IP40; terminal IP20
Resistance to heat and humidity Class 2
Relative humidity ≤95%
Standards compliant IEC 60947-2 GB/T 14048.2
Shock resistance According to IEC60068-2-6
Mechanical shock resistance parameters According to IEC60068-2-27
Service ambient temperature -30℃~70℃
IEC60068-4Resistance to heat and humidity(IEC60068-4) Class Db (temperature 55℃ 6 cycles)
Storage ambient temperature -40℃~85℃
Altitude ≤2000m
Weight accessories 0.12kg/P
Accessories OFISD/MX/MN/MX+OF
MX control voltage Us DC:12V,24V,220V; AC:110V,220V,380V power supply recommended not less than 75W
MN rated voltage Un AC220V AC380V


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